Attributed to “Timothy Allen” from a Facebook Group. Slightly revised by me.

State this out loud as often as you need:

I now connect with my guides who have my best interest of freedom and sovereign energies associated with them. I now heal, transmute and integrate all thought forms, entities  or negative energies that I have associated with these agreements and integrate the refined, pure Source energy into this physical body at this time. I integrate and understand all of my desired lessons associated with these agreements and release all misunderstandings.

I ask my guides to assist those lost, splintered parts of me and ask that they help them to know where to go for healing and integration.

I state that I no longer carry energy that is not of pure Source within me in this present moment NOW and in any other moment through all time, space, realities, incarnations, dimensions, lives, lifetimes, universes – all aspects are healed NOW. I now release any and all hitchhikers under any agreement that were made with false intentions or memory wiping.

I fold space and time and go back to each time the lower vibrational thought or energy was created, and I transmute it now to Source. Please help us forgive and release each other, forgive and release ourselves for all misunderstandings and whatever we made them mean, for the highest good.

My bodies are now cleared of any negative thought forms and energies that I created knowingly or unknowingly, that had any intention of self sabotage and lower vibrational emotions. I now heal my DNA and regenerate my body back to the organic divine blueprint template it was created to be.

I thank you mother earth and all benevolent divine beings for assisting in the regeneration of my DNA, and of my physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and supramental bodies.

I thank you Source for accepting those pieces and parts of me that need healing and transformation. I am a healed Whole Being, operating as a sovereign force and I am here to assist my brothers and sisters in changing this world.

I ask my guides to continue to open up doors and to illuminate my highest path. I request the tools necessary to do my work here on this planet and as that you continue to bring the people into my life that can assist me to help humanity. I am grateful for this opportunity to serve and to facilitate healing in others as I heal myself.

So be it and so it is!