From Caitlin Dianna:

“I’m over 3200 hours of individual sessions into this work and thousands of Starseeds mentored.

There is a pattern and probability factor that determines whether one heals and thrives, or maintains their current status quo.

Ready for it?

Are you embodying the Archetype of “The Victim” or “The Alchemist”?

The Victim sees the world from the lens of external trigger and causation. They often make it the responsibility of others to save, support or heal them. They embody the energy of what others are going to do or provide to them to change their reality.

The Alchemist knows that they are a creator and to make shift happen, they must take accountability and action on choices. They look at their surroundings and says, “how do I shift this?”

An Alchemist never relies on others to fix or change their reality, but rather allows themselves to be inspired by others, taking into their own hands the destiny of their path.

The Victim waits, has excuses, and creates validations for their current place in life.

Now before any of y’all jump down my throat about all the possible circumstances one could grow up in or the body they have or abilities/ lack thereof…

This concept is all relative. And it’s entirely reliant on the highest potential soul plan one designed for this body and life.

A person could have planted themselves in absolute poverty to learn about happiness and alchemizes their circumstances to find joy in the darkest of places.

Someone could have chosen a race and ethnicity that is currently experiencing adversity, to alchemize the grids and rise into expansion and influence.

The point is, this isn’t about what you have, your level of income or the circumstances you’re born into, it’s about the embodiment of believing that you can turn this into that and make shift happen.

Where do you sit?”


This may be triggering and yet, I cannot agree more. Healers cannot heal you. I don’t use the term very often because nobody can heal anyone who is not ready to own their healing and allow it in. People heal themselves, or they don’t. If I refer to myself as a healer, it’s usually because I didn’t mean to! I am an alchemist, in this life and other soul aspects. We ALL have choice! Can we facilitate healing for others? Can we walk beside them and guide them? Can we help others to clear blockages to healing to make it easier/faster? YES, absolutely. We are definitely not responsible for someone else’s life or level of healing – we are responsible for walking in integrity and owning our own healing. Healers need healers and this is why some of my favorite clients are other aspiring and practicing healers. They get it, I get it, and we can get to work creating transformations that surprise and delight us all.

Those who wish to give their power away and have someone heal them, will be repeatedly disappointed. Can we still lovingly call out limiting mindsets and offer some guidance in moving out of victimhood? Yes. It’s just that the progress is much slower and more tedious. We may see incremental forward progress, but we don’t often witness the big miracles. I plan on offering some excellent self-paced tools for those who are looking to move through this deep mindset work. However, I know my soul mate 1:1 clients are fellow alchemists. And those actively shifting from victim to alchemist? Y’all make me salivate! It is so exciting to watch your transformations! I love to witness miracles, I love to witness progress, I love being a cheerleader and I know my energy and gifts are best applied here. There are so many modalities and practitioners available in the world today. It’s up to each individual to discern who will best meet their needs. If you consider yourself an alchemist or you’re actively shifting toward alchemy, what miracles can we co-create? Let’s play!