Let’s take another approach, inspired by one of my teachers, Julia Balaz.

Imagine a grand theatrical production unfolding before your eyes. The stage is set, the actors are in place, and the curtains rise to reveal a cast of celestial characters known as the astrological planets. Each planet represents a unique type of energy, bringing forth different needs, drives, and impulses within us.

In this cosmic play, understanding your natal chart can be likened to assigning roles to each planet and exploring how they interact with one another. It’s as if these planetary “players” have distinct personalities, all vying for attention within our inner world.

Let’s start with the lead actor, the Sun. In this production, the Sun represents our internal adult, the one who listens to the input of other planets but ultimately calls the shots. Just like a boss, the Sun sends out different planets on specific missions – Mercury for expression, Venus for romantic endeavors, and Mars for taking action. But make no mistake, the Sun is the one who oversees the action and makes sure things run smoothly.

Now, let’s meet the Moon, our internal child. The Moon governs our emotions, those difficult-to-express feelings that often evade words. When we’re asked what’s on our mind, it’s often our Sun (the adult) who screens these emotions, refining them before they escape our lips. The Moon is where those raw, unfiltered emotions reside, reflecting our truest feelings.

Mercury, the planet of communication, is like the spokesperson for our internal dialogue. It sparks our curiosity and governs our thoughts and learning process. Just as a skilled orator takes the stage, Mercury rules over our ability to express ourselves and engage in intellectual pursuits.

Venus, in this cosmic performance, can be seen as a more refined version of the Moon. Venus embodies our need for harmonious relationships and brings a sense of diplomacy to our interactions with others. It encourages us to reflect on what truly matters in life and strive for balance in our connections.

Mars, named after the Roman god of war, represents action and our primal instincts. It’s the first impulse that fuels us, gets us out of bed, and ignites our passion. Mars is the actor who drives us forward, pushing us to pursue what sets our soul on fire.

But the cast doesn’t end there. We have Jupiter, the planet of expansion and growth, encouraging us to broaden our horizons and inviting good fortune into our lives. Saturn, on the other hand, provides structure and teaches us discipline and responsibility. It acts as a reality check, urging us to act conservatively and consider our actions carefully.

Uranus shakes up the stage, encouraging us to break free from conventions and embrace individuality. It challenges us to think and do things in a unique and unconventional manner. Neptune, the dreamer, invites us to connect with the oneness of all and embodies kindness and compassion. Pluto represents our ability to endure crises and rise from the ashes, transformed and empowered.

As you watch this celestial theatrical performance unfold, remember that the planets are not only the actors but also the costumes they wear and the stages upon which they perform. They bring depth, color, and dynamic interactions to the grand production of our lives.

Astrology is a powerful tool that helps us make sense of this cosmic drama. By understanding the roles played by each planet, we gain insight into our desires, motivations, and unique qualities. We become aware of the interplay between these cosmic forces and the impact they have on our lives.

So, let us embrace this cosmic theater and discover the profound messages hidden within the movements of the planets. As we explore the cosmic energies, we unlock the secrets of ourselves and unleash personal transformation. The celestial stage is set, and we are the stars of this magnificent show called life. Let’s take our cues from the planets and shine brightly on this grand stage of existence.